Verbal. Visual. Tactile. Social. Kids still learn the same, but they don’t have exactly the same opportunities. It’s a different world than what we’ve ever known education-wise. Families are learning the ropes technology-wise and yearning for in-person services. Can I help your students at home? Perhaps!
I teach. I write. I walk miles from my home base near the Eastern border of Wallingford. I don’t drive.
I’m advertising in-person services only within a small geographic area at this time. Ideally, I would be walking to your place and it would be (almost) my only non-internet, real-world contact in these tricky times.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you’re unsure what services you will need in the fall, or if you think your needs will be too low to hire a teacher. I am also a contract writer — and there’s a fair chance I will have at least some online hours with the public schools in the fall. Chances are good that I could contract with one family or pod for quite a bit less than full-time. Being less than full-time wouldn’t mean that I was piecing together hours here and there. I take pandemic cautions seriously.
I have a separate offer for online support — and free consults — that extends further geographically. I am happy to help whoever I can from afar.